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Proposed change to Practice Boundary

Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) has invited all GP practices in Gloucestershire to review their practice boundary and apply if they would like to expand or reduce it. These applications will then be considered in detail in March 2025.

A practice boundary determines the catchment around where a GP practice will accept full registrations from patients.

Sixways Clinic are requesting to reduce our boundary. The areas that will be removed are mainly towards the east of the county, you can see the the proposed area on the map below.

The reasoning behind this proposal is that the areas covered towards the east of our current catchment were agreed when we had a branch surgery in Andoversford, which we no longer have. Therefore the area was within reasonable reach for home visits etc and also for patients to attend the surgery. We believe the reduction in area will eventually allow us to focus our resources more effectively thereby providing a better service to our patients.

Will this affect me: We do not believe reducing the boundary will affect our current patients. Patients current registered who live within the areas to be removed will still be registered with us. It will only affect patients in those areas wanting to register with us after the changes.

We need your views: The practice would like your views on the proposal. Your views will be considered by the practice and the ICB to understand if the proposal has any impacts we haven’t considered.

Would you like to tell us your views by completing the questionnaire below by following the link:

Map of proposed change below: (in yellow)